A Renewable Energy Company

Energy Efficiency with LED lighting upgrade

We Can't Progress in the Dark! Let There Be Light!

While there are many forms of energy-efficient tools, the quickest and most effective way to becoming energy-efficient is through adapting new LED lighting solutions and optimizing your overall electrical power consumption.

The quality of light around us determines how well we see, work, and live. Light affects our health, safety, morale, comfort, and productivity. Lighting accounts for up to 30% of all electricity consumed in the United States. An average household dedicates 5% to 10% of its energy budget to lighting, while commercial buildings consume 20% to 30% of their total energy for lighting.

Lighting also directly affects our economy. As a nation, we spend approximately ¼ of our electricity budget on lighting, or more than $40 billion annually, yet much of this expense is unnecessary.

Energy–Efficient Lighting: The New Money-Saving Wave

  • Energy Efficient Lighting is not a trend – it’s here to stay. Energy-efficient lighting is slated for long-term growth and success because of two clear and important points: it not only saves you money, it also helps the environment. 
    Lighting technologies developed within recent years can help reduce lighting costs from 30% to 80% while enhancing lighting quality and reducing environmental impacts.

    Saving lighting energy requires at least one of 2 things: either reducing electricity consumed by the light source or reducing the length of time the light source is on. Advanced Solar Integration Technologies can accomplish both by:

    • Lowering wattage involving lamp replacement, ballasts or entire fixtures with LED

  • • Reducing the light source’s on-time, which means improving lighting controls (dimmers and occupancy sensors)

  • • Using Day lighting, which reduces energy consumption by replacing electric lights with natural light.

  • • Performing regular maintenance, which preserves illumination and light quality 

Transfer of Power: Retrofitting Fluorescent Lighting Systems to LED

    • While still maintaining the same lumen output, common 36-watt T8 lamps can be replaced with energy-saving LED lighting of 18 watts. Also bypassing those old magnetic ballasts in your fluorescent fixtures will increase lighting fixture efficiency up to 72%!

      Example of Annual Savings:

Investment Preservation: Lighting Maintenance

Maintenance is vital to lighting efficiency and seeing the full effects of your investment flourish. Light levels decrease over time because of aging lamps and dirt on fixture. Together, these factors can reduce total illumination by 50% or more, while lights continue drawing full power.

Make Money While You Save Money with Lighting Rebates

Complying with energy code requirements not only saves money by reducing energy. It may also qualify you for a cash rebate from your public utility company. Please refer to your local public utility company’s website for the most up to date information.